Storyteller Harlynne Geisler
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Storytelling Professionally; The Nuts and Bolts of a Working Performer

by Storyteller Harlynne Geisler
Editor of The Story Bag: A Storytelling Newsletter from 1981-2006
Professional storyteller since 1980

If you have ever dreamed of becoming a professional storyteller or performer, this book is for you.

Teachers, librarians, clowns, actors, puppeteers, homemakers, and anyone else interested in storytelling professionally—full time or part time—will want this book. Geisler offers practical advice and nuts-and-bolts information on marketing, public relations, and more. Her guidance will help you sell yourself as a freelance storyteller to schools, libraries, museums, festivals, and other events and organizations. The author covers the importance of learning from others; how to organize your time, office, and research; and how to use brochures, business cards, press releases, flyers, mailings, showcases, performer lists, and giveaways to get bookings. She also offers advice on dealing with the competition; preparing yourself for your audience, bookers, and performance area; and problem prevention and solution. Prejudice, censorship, and other issues related to storytelling are highlighted in the final chapter.

Libraries Unlimited Press, 1997 xviii, 151p. 8½x11 paper ISBN 1-56308-370-1
Available at:

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