Storyteller Harlynne Geisler
858-569-9399 storybag[a]
Storytelling in San Diego, Southern California, and the World
Especially Storytelling School Assemblies in San Diego County


The word "storytelling" is used to mean many things, from novel-writing to lying to reading out loud to acting to filmmaking to dancing.

My form of storytelling can be summed up by the term "a one-woman show with a cast of thousands." It is not quite acting, in that I do not change costumes or use a stage set, nor do I often use props.

Instead I am the narrator of a (generally) fictional narrative, speaking directly to the listeners. Sometimes I take on slightly different voices for the characters within the tale. Gesture, facial expression, and dramatic pauses create images in my listeners' minds. My listeners and I work together as a team. I say the words, but it is they who create the tale: feeling, imagining, and guessing what will happen next.

Perhaps the best image of what I do is people gathered around a campfire listening while one person speaks and gestures.

Harlynne Geisler


"I have watched her hold every eye in a room...Literate, well-read and thoughtful, she understands the meaning of words and the power behind them...her facial gestures tell a story in themselves. She seems to have thought about every line in a story, why it's there, what it means, what its writer intended in terms of delivery and style. That kind of artist is rare to find." Mike Granberry, Los Angeles Times reporter

"She is known for her ability to captivate an audience with nothing more than gesture, changing facial expression, pauses, and the words she wisely chooses to bring story images to life within listeners. Festival stages, conferences, colleges, schools, coffeehouses, churches, temples, community centers, museums and more have all provided venues for her telling gifts." Laugh Makers Magazine


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